WEBINAR | Setting Up Your Feeding Assessment for Success [October 18, 2024][12:00PM – 2:00PM Eastern US/UTC-4]

Current Status
Course ended


 Monica Purdy, MA, CCC-SLP, COM®


There is no “one size fits all” approach when conducting a feeding assessment for your pediatric client – which can be both liberating and intimidating!
TalkTools Instructor, Monica Purdy, will provide a roadmap to follow when assessing your client’s feeding skills that can be adapted to many therapeutic scenarios. The roadmap includes questions to ask caregivers and the client during the assessment, where and what to assess, as well as assessing how feeding skills might be impacting other areas of the client’s life.

The participants will be able to:

  1. Develop a feeding assessment roadmap based on the client’s current skills, family dynamics and cultural considerations
  2. Understand the impacts of the sensory system and feeding
  3. Identify 3 possible scenarios and conditions that may contribute to disordered feeding
  4. Provide 5 child- and family-friendly feeding strategies to implement at home
  • 10 minutes: Welcome and Overview
  • 20 minutes: What are we assessing? It might surprise you!
  • 15 minutes: Focus on the the sensory system
  • 15 minutes: Structuring the Assessment
  • 15 minutes: Caregiver/Family Considerations
  • 15 minutes: Disordered/Dysfunction Feeding
  • 15 minutes: Moving from Therapy to Function: Developing Client/Caregiver Roadmap
  • 15 minutes: Wrap-up/Q&A

NOTE: there may changes to handouts/resources prior to the start of the workshop -- be sure you have reviewed any versions you may have downloaded to make sure you have the latest version

Available for 2 weeks starting the live broadcast date. Limit 1 use per purchase.

Virtual streaming workshops and webinars are recorded during the time of broadcast;
the recorded presentation will be accessible to participants for 2 days after the virtual streaming broadcast date.

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Continuing 15 Jul 24