WEBINAR | Tricky Transitions: Breast/Bottle to Table [June 28, 2024][12:00PM – 2:00PM Eastern US/UTC-4]

Current Status
Course ended


Catherine Callahan, MS, CCC-SLP, CLC


The transition from breast/bottle to table foods can be a challenging time for parents and caregivers. It’s important for therapists to have a solid understanding of the typical transition in order to be able to help families when challenges arise. This course will provide therapists with a framework for the transition from breast and bottle into table foods, including criteria for starting solids, background on complementary feeding methods and benefits of a baby led, family meal approach, how to support bottle and breast weaning, how to structure mealtime, how to create balanced meals, how to introduce the top 9 allergens, and what food textures to serve through baby’s first year.

The participants will be able to:

  1. Describe how to prepare baby for solids and share activities to promote readiness
  2. List readiness criteria for starting solids
  3. Describe complementary feeding methods, and explain the benefits of a baby-led, family meal approach
  4. Show how to create a balanced meal for baby and how to balance food and bottle/breast feeds through the first year
  5. Illustrate sample feeding schedules for 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months
  6. Describe appropriate food textures for babies at 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months
  7. Explain the importance of diet diversity
  8. List how to introduce the top 9 allergens
  9. Explain how to teach baby to drink from a cup and straw, and how to transition from bottle and breast to cup and straw
  • 5 mins: Introduction:
    • Disclosures
    • Schedule for the day
  • 10 mins: Preparing for a smooth transition:
    •  5 activities to prepare baby
    • Criteria for starting solids
    • Setting up the environment
  • 10 mins: Complementary feeding methods:
    • Spoon Feeding
    • Baby Led Weaning
    • Responsive Feeding
  • 5 mins: Benefits of: 
    • Baby led approach
    • Family meals
  • 15 mins: Structuring mealtime:
    • Timing and frequency of meals
    • Balancing food and breast/bottle feeds 
    • Sample schedules
  • 10 mins: What textures/foods to serve:
    • 6 months
    • 9 months
    • 12 months
  • 10 mins: Importance of diet diversity:
    • Texture
    • Variety of foods
    • 101 foods before one checklist
  • 10 mins: Creating a balanced meal for baby:
    • Key nutrients
    • Balanced meal cheat sheet
  • 10 mins: Introducing the top 9 allergens
  • 10 mins: Teaching cup and straw drinking
    • Methods
    • Product recommendations
  • 10 mins: Weaning from breast and bottle
    • Methods
    • Strategies for challenges
  • 15 mins: Questions and closing

NOTE: there may changes to handouts/resources prior to the start of the workshop -- be sure you have reviewed any versions you may have downloaded to make sure you have the latest version


Available for 2 weeks starting the live broadcast date. Limit 1 use per purchase.

Virtual streaming workshops and webinars are recorded during the time of broadcast;
the recorded presentation will be accessible to participants for 2 days after the virtual streaming broadcast date.

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Continuing 04 Apr 24