TalkTools® Guest Speaker Agreement

Today's Date:  

Thank you for partnering with TalkTools® as a Guest Speaker on one of of our training initiatives. This agreement is made between:

(hereinafter known as "Guest Speaker") and TalkTools, LLC (hereinafter known as "TalkTools®"), a South Carolina Corporation located at 2681 Spruill Avenue, Suite A, Charleston, SC. Below are the terms for this event: 

Speaker Name:  

Speaker Organization:  

Speaker email:  

Speaker Communication (cell, Messenger, WhatsApp):  

TalkTools Event where you will be presenting:  


Presentation Title:  

Presentation Date:  

Presentation Start Time: Presentation End Time:  

Are you co-presenting:  

  • Co-Presenter: 
  • Co-Presenter address:
  • Co-Presenter email:
  • Co-Presenter Communication Channel:  

Additional equipment or set-up requirements:  


  • Hourly Compensation Rate:
  • Session Duration (# of hours you are speaking):
  • Total Compensation for this event:  
  • Compensation is dependent upon the specific course and any additional terms previously agreed upon in writing between TalkTools® and the Speaker(s) 
  • TalkTools® will disburse any compensation payments within 30 days of the the presentation date listed above. 
  • Speaker(s) are required to provide a W-9 to TalkTools® 30 days prior to the session date -- Speaker(s) cannot be paid without a completed W-9 form on file with TalkTools®. Additional information on W-9 compliance can be found on the IRS website. 


Speaker(s) agree to: 

  • present the course as it relates to the course description and learning objectives and as filed with CE Approval Agenda (ex., ASHA-American Speech and Hearing Association) 
  • strive to make presentation and materials as accurate, relevant, and educational and informative as possible within the session timeframe as scheduled 
  • promote workshop through their media channels (including their website and social media channels) provide any session materials to TalkTools® by the deadlines provided by TalkTools®, including:
    • headshot 
    • bio 
    • presentation pdf
    • additional course-related materials, as needed 


Speaker will: 

  • provide a digital recording of their presentation to TalkTools® at least 14 days prior to the session date: 
  • Speaker may schedule presentation recording with TalkTools® 
  • Speaker may record their own presentation 
  • If Speaker is recording their own presentation, they are required to provide high-quality, error-free digital recording with clear audio and video 

TalkTools® will: 

  • provide streaming webinar platform (i.e., Zoom) for virtual events 
  • provide basic technical support prior to and during the session 
  • conduct tech and a/v test session, as needed 
  • schedule recording for pre-taped presentation, as requested by the Speaker 
  • facilitate virtual streaming presentation


Speaker will: 

  • cover their transportation costs for the training event 
  • cover their meals and incidentals during their stay for the training event 
  • provide any materials, equipment, products, tools specifically needed for the in-person presentation 
  • arrive on time to present their presentation 

TalkTools® will:

  • will provide meeting room with required set-up and/or equipment, as requested by the Speaker
  • provide on-site technical, administrative and logistical support before, during and after the presentation 
  • will make every effort to ensure meeting space is comfortable, clean and safe with adequate lighting and sound

Additional Compensation/Reimbursement: 

  • TalkTools® will (unless other terms are mutually agreed upon):
    • cover hotel room accommodations for Speaker(s) for 1 night, unless other terms are mutually agreed upon
    • provide any food and beverage that is included in the hotel event contract
  • Speaker will (unless other terms are mutually agreed upon):
    • cover their travel costs (air, taxi, rideshare, personal vehicle)
    • any additional hotel room accommodations
    • meals and incidentals that are not part of the event


TalkTools® agrees to:  

  • market and sell presentation on our media channels (including TalkTools website and social media) and email platform 
  • file CEUs with ASHA and AOTA on behalf of training event participants 

License to Reproduce Presentation 

During the event dates and for a specified period agreed upon by the Speaker and TalkTools®, Speaker grants to TalkTools® non-exclusive rights to publish and/or reproduce the presentation and any related materials, in printed hard copy, video/audio tape, electronic multimedia, and/or web-based media. Any publication of these original materials by TalkTools® will be accompanied by an appropriate attribution of authorship. TalkTools will NOT resell webinar broadcast or presentation materials after this date without the permission of the Speaker: 

Stand-alone webinars (not part of a larger event, such as a workshop or conference) are individually broadcasted on a specified date and time. Webinars are recorded and are available to paid participants 2 days after the scheduled broadcast. Conference sessions are broadcasted on specified date and time as part of the Conference schedule. Conference sessions are recorded and available for purchase 30 days after the conference dates. 

Warranty of Ownership 

TalkTools® and Speaker(s) agree that all materials used in the conference presentation are the property of the Speaker and are to used solely for educational purposes during the conference dates.  Speaker grants permission to TalkTools® to publish and market the Speaker presentation as part of their conference listed above. TalkTools® may not record, publish or reproduce Speaker's presentation or any related materials or content.  

Release and Waiver Agreement 

In consideration of participating with TalkTools® on a Training Event, Speaker(s) and TalkTools® will collaborate on any use of the Speaker's name, recorded voice, image and likeness in any medium, including, video clip, photo, sound bite, social media posting for use in marketing, news, education, or any other lawful purpose prior to and during the Training Event. TalkTools® will provide any marketing or educational files or collateral to Speaker for approval prior to posting or publishing said materials. Copyright and authorship of course content will be appropriately noted in any marketing, news or educational materials developed by TalkTools®. 

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Document name: TalkTools® Guest Speaker Agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: 4fccb97c46e1a211674d892fbffe7b4acdaa0f90
Timestamp Audit
07/10/2023 7:30 pm ESTTalkTools® Guest Speaker Agreement Uploaded by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] IP
07/10/2023 7:41 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f6:8a00:d8:db0c:7a22:501d
07/10/2023 7:41 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f6:8a00:d8:db0c:7a22:501d
07/11/2023 6:56 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
07/11/2023 6:56 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
07/11/2023 7:02 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
07/11/2023 7:02 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
07/27/2023 11:43 am ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 11:43 am ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 11:51 am ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 11:51 am ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:01 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:01 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:05 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:05 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:08 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:08 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:12 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:12 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:17 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:17 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:23 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
07/27/2023 12:23 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10f3:5200:25e9:ad75:710b:2aa
09/13/2023 11:20 am ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10fb:ba00:5db2:5d95:8f44:85ae
09/13/2023 11:20 am ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:4040:10fb:ba00:5db2:5d95:8f44:85ae
10/26/2023 6:04 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
10/26/2023 6:04 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
11/08/2023 10:17 am ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
11/08/2023 10:17 am ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
04/11/2024 4:03 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
04/11/2024 4:03 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
04/11/2024 4:05 pm ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
04/11/2024 4:05 pm ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
04/12/2024 9:47 am ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
04/12/2024 9:47 am ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
05/08/2024 11:32 am ESTEmily Dalton - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
05/08/2024 11:32 am ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
01/13/2025 11:21 am ESTMary Saady - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
01/13/2025 11:21 am ESTMichael Karanja - [email protected] added by TalkTools Continuing Education Team - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: