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Jaw Grading Bite Blocks vs. Apraxia Speech Blocks… What’s the Difference?

Good morning! I am a little bit confused, could you please help me in something? I would like to buy the Bite Blocks from TalkTools. I just want you to tell me the difference between them an...


Ask A Therapist: Sound production roadblock

Hello therapists, My daughter has been working on TalkTools program since she was 3 months old. She bites well on chewy tubes (red and yellow), does her straw drinking and cup drinking. He...


Ask A Therapist: Client with Autism and Apraxia of Speech

Hello TalkTools, I am an SLP working with a four year old boy with autism and apraxia of speech. He has some significant drooling and is non-verbal. I completed the “Three-Part Treatme...