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Ask a Therapist: Speech and language delay with the Straw and Horn Kits

Hello! I am Maria and I live in Singapore. I have just purchased the parent kit and started with the Horn #1 and have not seen any major problem so far. I am concerned about the Straw #1. Wh...


Ask a Therapist: What Hierarchies to follow for my child?

I am a parent who has been watching your DVDs in order to help my son – I don’t think there is a TalkTools trained therapist where I live (Hawaii). How do I know which hierarchies ar...


Ask A Therapist: Horn blowing for a 3-year-old with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Hello, I’m hoping for some advice. My 3 year old ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) son is doing TalkTools through our SLT. He couldn’t blow at all to start with so we taught him us...


Ask A Therapist: Chewy Tubes for a one-year-old

Hi! I am working with a little boy who is about a year old, developmentally (orally) is around 8-9 months. I gave the family the yellow chewy tube to practice biting/chewing, in addition to ...