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7 New Ways to Stay Speech Savvy This Summer

Summer is finally at the doorstep. Picture yourself on pristine beaches, soaking in the sun with a tall glass of whatever-you-prefer in hand. But what if you could still enjoy your tropical ...


Ask A Therapist: Horn blowing for a 3-year-old with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Hello, I’m hoping for some advice. My 3 year old ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) son is doing TalkTools through our SLT. He couldn’t blow at all to start with so we taught him us...


Ask A Therapist: 17 year old with Autism

Hi, My son is 17 and has Autism. He has received speech services since he was 2.8 months old. The most successful therapy has been PROMPT for him. Currently he has 3 therapists working with ...


Ask A Therapist: Introducing Therapy to a Child with Sensory Processing Disorder

Hi, I bought the Complete Jaw Program from you a few months ago to use with my three year old son who has Sensory Processing Disorder, and is in the Autism Spectrum. He has very low muscle t...