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Ask a Therapist: Significant Tongue Thrust Swallow Pattern and Tongue Protrusion
Hello! I have a 13 month old with Down syndrome who has a significant tongue thrust swallow pattern and tongue protrusion. Her tongue is ALWAYS out of her mouth, far. Almost as if she is int...
READ MOREAsk A Therapist: /h/ for /k/
Hi TalkTools, I have a 6 year old male student who produces /h/ for /k/. He appears to have placement, and is able to produce /g/. However, we have not been successful in nearly a year of th...
READ MOREAsk A Therapist: Tongue Retraction
Hi, I’m beginning to work with a 7 year old boy with Down Syndrome and Apraxia. For the straws, he protrudes his tongue under the straw. He also does this with the Honey Bear. His Mom ...
READ MOREAsk A Therapist: Client with Autism and Apraxia of Speech
Hello TalkTools, I am an SLP working with a four year old boy with autism and apraxia of speech. He has some significant drooling and is non-verbal. I completed the “Three-Part Treatme...