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Ask A Therapist: 24 Year-Old Male With Severe Stuttering

I am a speech-language pathologist in private practice. One of my clients is a 24 year old male with severe stuttering. He also has a diagnosis of mild cerebral palsy. His most noticeable dy...


Ask A Therapist: Feeding Therapy for a Medically Fragile Client

Hello Talktools, First of all, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed Lori Overland’s conference on Feeding Therapy: A Sensory Motor Approach in Savannah! I learned so much and have been...


Ask A Therapist: Challenging Patient

Hi TalkTools! I have taken your Three-Part Treatment Plan for Oral Placement Therapy class and have 3 of your books. I am using OPT within my practice and see positive results in my patient...