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Ask A Therapist: Sensory Friendly Bite Blocks
Hi, I have two questions for you. 1. I have lost some pieces of my Sensory Friendly Bite Blocks set and would like to purchase another set. Since the purple sticks are softer than the red o...
READ MOREAsk A Therapist: Straw Length
Hi Guys! I have a couple of questions. First of all, I am utilizing Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s Drooling Remediation Program and OPT on a 2.2 year old for drooling. Dad is a dentist and i...
READ MOREAsk A Therapist: Jaw Jutting
Hi TalkTools, How can I inhibit jaw jutting for Horn #1? We are working on the Bite Tube Set and establishing the natural bite with Bite Blocks but this child presents with frequent jaw sli...
READ MOREAsk A Therapist: 3 year old with Moebius Syndrome
You all have been amazing when I have asked for help with my students, so I have another question. I have just evaluated a 3 ½ year old who was diagnosed at birth with Moebius Syndrome. Alt...