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Ask a Therapist: Speech and language delay with the Straw and Horn Kits

Hello! I am Maria and I live in Singapore. I have just purchased the parent kit and started with the Horn #1 and have not seen any major problem so far. I am concerned about the Straw #1. Wh...


Ask A Therapist: Tongue Tip Elevation in Moebius syndrome

When people need help with therapy or products, we put TalkTools® Instructors to work and then publish the exchange for anyone in the same situation to get help, too. This question is fr...


Ask A Therapist: 17 year old with Autism

Hi, My son is 17 and has Autism. He has received speech services since he was 2.8 months old. The most successful therapy has been PROMPT for him. Currently he has 3 therapists working with ...


Ask A Therapist: Sensory Friendly Bite Blocks

Hi, I have two questions for you. 1. I have lost some pieces of my Sensory Friendly Bite Blocks set and would like to purchase another set. Since the purple sticks are softer than the red o...