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Ask A Therapist: Bite Tube Compression

Hi to TalkTools, I am an SLP who has taken the Three-Part Treatment Plan for Oral Placement Therapy course and am incorporating OPT into my practice. I greatly enjoy this as it benefits my p...


Ask a Therapist: Why use the term “Oral Placement Therapy” (OPT) over Oral Motor Exercises?

We received the below from a therapist that works in the Academic arena and wanted to share the response. I am interested to know why you changed the terminology you use from Oral Motor E...


Ask a Therapist: Thickened liquids with the Straw Hierarchy?

I am using your straws for therapy with several of my students. When we get to the thickened liquid steps I am not sure what food to use at the puree and pudding consistencies, as my student...