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Ask a Therapist: Speech and language delay with the Straw and Horn Kits

Hello! I am Maria and I live in Singapore. I have just purchased the parent kit and started with the Horn #1 and have not seen any major problem so far. I am concerned about the Straw #1. Wh...


Ask A Therapist: Analyzing Jaw & Lip Movements

Hi,  I hope I’m not bothering you, but I’m needing help. I have taken many OPT courses, most recently your tongue thrust course. Thank you, it was awesome!! I have a little boy that I...


Ask A Therapist: My First Time Doing An Eval

Hi TalkTools, I have a few questions for the staff SLP. I watched the “3 Part OPT” videos and I can see how it generally walks me through the eval process but the language doesn&...


Ask A Therapist: Tongue Tip Elevation in Moebius syndrome

When people need help with therapy or products, we put TalkTools® Instructors to work and then publish the exchange for anyone in the same situation to get help, too. This question is fr...