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Ask a Therapist: What Hierarchies to follow for my child?

I am a parent who has been watching your DVDs in order to help my son – I don’t think there is a TalkTools trained therapist where I live (Hawaii). How do I know which hierarchies ar...


Ask A Therapist: Vocalic R Materials

What tools and continuing education materials do you recommend for working with children on vocalic r? Rose Hi Rose, The first thing that I would recommend that you purchase would be Sara Ro...


Ask A Therapist: 3 year old with Moebius Syndrome

You all have been amazing when I have asked for help with my students, so I have another question. I have just evaluated a 3 ½ year old who was diagnosed at birth with Moebius Syndrome. Alt...


Inspiring testimonials from ASHA 2015: vote for your favorite today!

In celebration of 30 years of successful therapy we asked you to share your success stories with us and the response was amazing! Here are our three favorite videos. We hope you enjoy and yo...