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Ask a Therapist: What Hierarchies to follow for my child?

I am a parent who has been watching your DVDs in order to help my son – I don’t think there is a TalkTools trained therapist where I live (Hawaii). How do I know which hierarchies ar...


Ask A Therapist: Does Straw Therapy Help Accelerate Speech?

My 2 year old (almost 3 year old) daughter with Down Syndrome is still having difficulty with speech. She has many signs, but her words are limited to ones such as “ball” and ...


Ask a Therapist: Tongue Protrusion When Drinking From A Cup

Dear Sir/Madam, I am a speech and language therapist working in the UK. I had the TalkTools training a couple of years back.I assessed a child last week taking over from another therapist wh...


Ask A Therapist: Straw D

Hi, I have a student who just started straw D with the pudding today and after 25 mins with very little progress we called it a day (I work on a school so missing an hour of class won’...