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Ask A Therapist: Sensory Friendly Bite Blocks
Hi, I have two questions for you. 1. I have lost some pieces of my Sensory Friendly Bite Blocks set and would like to purchase another set. Since the purple sticks are softer than the red o...
READ MOREAsk A Therapist: Straw Length
Hi Guys! I have a couple of questions. First of all, I am utilizing Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s Drooling Remediation Program and OPT on a 2.2 year old for drooling. Dad is a dentist and i...
READ MOREAsk A Therapist: Tongue Retraction
Hi, I’m beginning to work with a 7 year old boy with Down Syndrome and Apraxia. For the straws, he protrudes his tongue under the straw. He also does this with the Honey Bear. His Mom ...
READ MOREAsk a Therapist: Thickened liquids with the Straw Hierarchy?
I am using your straws for therapy with several of my students. When we get to the thickened liquid steps I am not sure what food to use at the puree and pudding consistencies, as my student...