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Ask A Therapist: 3 year old with Moebius Syndrome

You all have been amazing when I have asked for help with my students, so I have another question. I have just evaluated a 3 ½ year old who was diagnosed at birth with Moebius Syndrome. Alt...


Ask A Therapist: Using Vibration for Low Muscle Tone

Hi TalkTools, I have a question about using vibration (as with the DnZ-Vibe or Vibrator & Toothettes). I understand that vibration can be used to “wake up” the sensory syste...


Ask A Therapist: Tips for Implementing the Horn Hierarchy

Hello Talktools, I’m a pediatric SLP with a clinical question for your experts. I attended the Three-Part Treatment Plan for Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) workshop last year. I have a ...


Ask a Therapist: Why use the term “Oral Placement Therapy” (OPT) over Oral Motor Exercises?

We received the below from a therapist that works in the Academic arena and wanted to share the response. I am interested to know why you changed the terminology you use from Oral Motor E...