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Ask a Therapist: Significant Tongue Thrust Swallow Pattern and Tongue Protrusion

Hello! I have a 13 month old with Down syndrome who has a significant tongue thrust swallow pattern and tongue protrusion. Her tongue is ALWAYS out of her mouth, far. Almost as if she is int...


Ask A Therapist: Tongue Tip Elevation in Moebius syndrome

When people need help with therapy or products, we put TalkTools® Instructors to work and then publish the exchange for anyone in the same situation to get help, too. This question is fr...


Ask A Therapist: The right duration of vibration

Hello! I have a question about using vibration (as with the Z-Vibe or Vibrator & Toothettes). I understand that using vibration can be used to “wake up” the sensory system, a...


Ask A Therapist: Using Vibration for Low Muscle Tone

Hi TalkTools, I have a question about using vibration (as with the DnZ-Vibe or Vibrator & Toothettes). I understand that vibration can be used to “wake up” the sensory syste...