TalkTools Workshop Materials-Royalty Workshops

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TalkTools Instructors and Courses

TalkTools Workshop Materials

Certificates of Completion

  1. Click on the workshop title you are hosting and the instructor who is teaching it
  2. This will open the pdf certificate
  3. Options
  4. Provide the certificate as a link and participants can download the certificate to update with the workshop information OR download the certificate, open the file and add the workshop details.
  5.  NOTE: there are 2 certificate versions: if you are NOT provided US continuing education units (CEUs) for this workshop, select the “NO US CEUs” version. Questions about US CEUs? Click through to review TalkTools CEU Policy

3-Part Treatment Plan for OPT (Level 1)

Line Avers

Rehab Zaytoun

Renee Roy Hill

Presentation PDFs/Handouts

  1. click on the course you are hosting
  2. this will open the file
  3. click on download icon on the top right of your screen
  4. open file on your computer
  5. view and print

3-Part Treatment Plan for OPT (Level 1)

OPT: Assessment and Program Plan Development (Level 1)