Lea Dukić is a master of speech therapy at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, University of Zagreb. She started working in 2011, first as a volunteer in the Rehabilitation Center of the Faculty of Educational Rehabilitation, then in the Association for Down Syndrome and in the project “Together from the Beginning” through regular visits to families of young children.
For four years, she worked as a speech therapist in the Via Vox speech therapy clinic, and in 2017 she joined the team of the Center Feralić. Through education in the period from 2012 to 2015, she became a TalkTools Level 3 OPT Specialist, and in 2022 she became a TalkTools Level 4 Advanced OPT Specialist, together with her colleague Tamara Ciciliani, the only one in this part of Europe.
In Feralić, Lea provides the Talktools assessment and feeding service as well as therapeutic support for children with feeding difficulties, oral-motor difficulties and communication and language difficulties.
She completed numerous educations (PECS, Introduction to PROMPT, Hanen It Takes Two to Talk, numerous Talktools webinars, Communication skills in support work). Lea’s vital energy and immediacy in communication enrich her work with children and parents and contribute to the work of the entire team.
Lea Dukić je magistra logopedije Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog fakulteta, Sveučilište u Zagrebu. S radom je započela 2011. godine, prvo kao volonter u Centru za rehabilitaciju Edukacijsko rehabilitacijskog fakulteta, zatim u Udruzi za sindrom Down i u projektu „ Od početka zajedno“ kroz patronažne posjete obiteljima male djece.
Četiri godine je radila kao logoped u logopedskom kabinetu Via Vox, a 2017. godine pridružuje se timu Centra Feralić. Edukacijom u periodu od 2012. do 2015. godine postaje TalkTools terapeut 3. stupnja, a 2022. godine postaje terapeut s kvalifikacijom 4. stupnja, uz kolegicu Tamaru Ciciliani, jedini u ovom dijelu Europe.
U Feraliću Lea pruža uslugu Talktools procjene i procjene hranjenja te terapijsku podršku za djecu s teškoćama hranjenja, oralno-motoričkim teškoćama te komunikacijskim i jezičnogovornim teškoćama.
Završila je brojne edukacije (PECS, Introduction to PROMPT, Hanen It Takes Two to Talk, mnogobrojne Talktools webinare, Komunikacijske vještine u pomagačkom radu). Leina životna energija i neposrednost u komunikaciji obogaćuju njezin rad s djecom i roditeljima te pridonose radu cijelog tima.