TalkTools Training

Therapist Bio

Meng, Yi Yui


(+65) 9276 8202




Senior Speech and Language Therapist & Clinical Director, TLC Speech and Feeding Clinic & TLC Speech Clinic

  • Masters of Science in Human Communication (Distinction), 2002
    University College London, UK
    Awarded Raffles Scholarship by the British High Commission
  • Bachelor of Speech Pathology (1st Class Honors), 1997
    University of Queensland, Australia
    Awarded Overseas Merit Scholarship by the Singapore Public Service Commission (PSC)
  • Provided assessment, evaluation, treatment, and management of infant and pediatric caseload with speech, language, communication, feeding/dysphagia,
    and voice issues
  • Provided assessment, evaluation, treatment, and management of adults in both the acute and rehabilitation settings in various departments including
    neurology, medical (including geriatrics), ICUs, and surgery
  • Performed Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) and Videofluoroscopy (VFS) independently.
  • Worked in a multidisciplinary medical and educational team in hospitals, schools, and private settings with doctors, psychologists, teachers and allied
    health professionals
  • Co-founded and in charge of clinical development in TLC Speech Clinic
  • Coordinated clinical and departmental work plans and projects
  • Planned manpower, budgeting, and department work flows
  • Involved in clinical quality improvement projects, including ISO, ISOEHS, and PDS certification
  • Approved supervisor for AHPC (Allied Health Professions Council, Singapore)
  • Provided inhouse training of new/existing Speech & Language Therapists on dysphagia and communication assessment and management, including the
    training for FEES, VFS, tracheostomy management
  • Supervised students from local and overseas universities in their clinical attachments
  • Provided in-services and workshops in person and online on topics including feeding/dysphagia, speech, language and communication
  • Bedside clinical methods useful as screening test for aspiration in elderly patients with recent and previous strokes, Ann Acad Med Singapore, 32:790-
    4, M S Chong, P K Lieu, Y Y Sitoh, Y Y Meng, L P Leow, 2003.
  • PET scan in bilingual speakers of Mandarin and English, unpublished masters thesis, 2002.
  • Differential laryngeal dysfunction in dysarthric speakers following Parkinson’s Disease, Cerebrovascular Accident, and Closed Head Injury, unpublished
    honours thesis, 1997.

Apr 2011 –     Present TLC Speech Clinic / TLC Speech and Feeding Clinic
Senior Speech and Language Therapist
Clinical Director

Aug 2008 –   Mar 2011 Kaleidoscope Therapy Centre Pte Ltd
Senior Speech and Language Pathologist

2006 – 2008 KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Senior Speech and Language Pathologist

1998 – 2006 Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Senior Speech and Language Pathologist and Acting
Manager of Speech Therapy Department


Allied Health Professionals Council, Singapore (AHPC)