8 Books by the Legendary Pam Marshalla That Every SLP Should Have

Pam Marshalla, MA, CCC-SLP is celebrated as the “clinician’s clinician”. Her practical, best-selling books on motor speech (oral-motor), apraxia and articulation therapy successfully integrate research data and clinical experience.

Pam was a leader in the field of oral motor speech therapy. Though she tragically passed away of leukemia in 2015, she was an accomplished trailblazer throughout her lifetime. Her life’s work remains available to assist future generations of speech therapists as well as their clients. You can read tributes to Pam and pay homage here.

Pam was the founder of the Oral Motor Institute. She also spent five years serving on the advisory board of the Library of Speech-Language Pathology. Pam was involved in an advisory capacity with the International Association of Orofacial Myology.

Here are our 8 recommendations of books by Pam Marshalla that every SLP should own:

1. Apraxia Uncovered: Seven Stages of Phoneme Development

Pam Marshalla’s second material on childhood apraxia presents a deep perspective on speech sound development. Using a month-by-month developmental framework, Pam describes how to nurture sound development in children who have great difficulty learning to make sounds and speech. She integrates information from articulation, phonology, oral-motor, and infant vocal development into a comprehensive plan of treatment. This material will help you understand how to help the child make a wider variety of consonants, vowels, syllables and words, and to become more intelligible. The CD’s contain Pam’s full five-hour seminar. Techniques are appropriate for children of all ages.

Buy now: $21.99

2. Becoming Verbal With Childhood Apraxia of Speech

This books helps therapists and parents learn how to help their child to become more vocal, verbal, communicative, imitative and interactive. This resource is based on the original writings of Jean Piaget and Pam Marshalla’s three decades of clinical work with apraxic children. It contains profound yet practical tools for helping children with severe apraxia and other forms of speech and language delay or disorder learn to talk. Teach your child to speak up, speak out, play with sounds and words, and become much more expressive. Appropriate for children one year of age and above. If you are looking for a place to begin reading about how to help a young children with a severe expressive speech delay or disorder, this is it.

Buy now: $21.99

3. Carryover Techniques (in Articulation and Phonological Therapy)

This highly-anticipated book contains hundreds of ideas for the carryover process. This book is packed full of research, clinical experiences, and practical ideas contributed from hundreds of professional SLP’s practicing today.

Carryover is the term that commonly refers to a client’s ability to take a speech skill learned in the therapy room and to apply it broadly in all speaking situations. Many speech-language clients acquire this skill almost immediately and without effort, but there are those who do not. A special focus on carryover is needed for them.

This book is research-based and practical. It contains therapy ideas to ponder and use during the process of carryover training. The text contains an integration of ideas from five sources: (1) Published research reports, (2) Modern textbooks on articulation and phonology, (3) Historical textbooks on articulation therapy, (4) The author’s three decades of clinical experience, and (5) Games and activities contributed by hundreds of professional speech-language pathologists.

 Buy now: $34.99

4. Frontal Lisp, Lateral Lisp: Articulation and Oral Motor Procedures for Diagnosis and Treatment

A dynamic discussion of the lisps, the first to combine methods from traditional articulation and oral-motor therapy for both diagnostic and treatment procedures. This material is practical, comprehensive and insightful. It is based on thirty years of direct therapy experience with the frontal and lateral lisps in a wide variety of clients. Professional and student speech-language pathologists alike will find a fresh perspective and a wealth of information here. Appropriate for clients two years of age and above. Can be used as supplemental reading material in courses on articulation. A great addition to a professional or university library.

Buy now: $57.99

5. How to Stop Drooling: Practical Solutions for Home and Therapy

Reduce or eliminate problematic drooling behavior with multisensory learning activities and behavior management. Learn how to address the problem at school and at home. This little book has been written for parents and therapists. Appropriate for children two years of age and older.

Buy now: $16.99

6. How to Stop Thumbsucking and Other Oral Habits: Practical Solutions for Home and Therapy

Learn highly practical methods to eliminate persistent thumbsucking and other oral habits. Written for both parents and therapists. Explains why and how to stop thumbsucking with common sense procedures. Appropriate for children two years of age and above. Most of it is appropriate for older children to read for themselves. A great little book for a clinic waiting room.

Buy now: $16.99

7. Successful R Therapy: Fixing the Hardest Sound in the World

Excellent for student and professional SLPs. Facilitate correct R in the most difficult clients with this unique blend of oral-motor and traditional articulation therapy. Understand how the jaw, lips, and tongue work for correct R production. Understand the difference between the Consonantal and the Vocal R, and between a Tip R and a Back R. Motivate clients to participate and succeed in R therapy. Material appropriate for clients two years of age and above. This book is being used as supplemental reading material in college and university courses on articulation.

Buy now: $57.99

8. Vowel Practice Pictures Book

Vowel Practice Pictures contains 375 words carefully chosen for their vowel content, giving speech-language pathologists, teachers, and parents a quick resource for vowel practice. Each vowel is introduced with a main character and an action to engage young children, and every word is accompanied by an illustration. The target words contained in Vowel Practice Pictures have been chosen to represent all English vowels, arranged simple-to-complex by syllable shape and phonological pattern.

The material in Vowel Practice Pictures is arranged for working with children who have vowel substitutions, distortions, or omissions at all language levels and no matter the cause of their speech delay or impairment. Vowel Practice Pictures can be used in individual or group speech-language therapy or as a source of material for classroom speech improvement activities. It also can be used as a foundation of homework activities, home schooling instruction, or simple one-on-one reading or speech practice time. The book has been printed in black-and-white with spiral binding so that individual pages can be easily reproduced for coloring and other arts-and-crafts projects.

Buy now: $24.99

Talktool admin 12 Sep 18