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5.9 Years: Summer Setback is Totally Okay!
Well, it’s been quite the month for Annabelle with dance recitals, T-ball games, horseback riding lessons, summer school and being dragged to all of her siblings’ sporting even...
READ MORE5.10 Years: Summer Vacation
On summer break this month! We will return next month with updates, pics, and videos 😊 Cheers from Lanie and Belle!...
READ MORE6 Years 3 Months: Holiday Time
I wanted to begin with a quick recap of the past few months. Annabelle had her tonsils and adenoids removed at the end of November because her journey with chronic congestion had been relen...
READ MORE6 Years 4 Months: End of Year Wrap-Up
Just to give you a quick recap of the past few months. Annabelle had her tonsils and adenoids removed at the end of November because her journey with chronic congestion had been relentless ...