Etiology and Remediation of Drooling

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Lori L. Overland MS CCC-SLP, C/NDT, CLC, FOM


One of the most frequently asked questions in oral placement and feeding courses is how to address copious drooling. Understanding the possible challenges which impact a client’s ability to manage their secretions is essential to planning a program.

Talk Tools Instructor and Feeding Expert, Lori Overland, will discuss saliva production, typical drooling, causes for atypical or copious drooling and remediation strategies.

Participants will be able to:
  1. Describe typical drooling in infants.
  2. Identify causes of difficulty managing secretions.
  3. Identify components of an assessment.
  4. Apply at least 3 remediation techniques.
  • 20 mins: What, When, Why — Typical drooling infants
  • 30 mins: Atypical drooling: Signs and Symptoms
  • 30 mins: Assessment of typical vs. Atypical drooling
  • 30 mins: Techniques for drooling remediation
  • 10 mins: Q & A

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Continuing 04 Jan 24