WEBINAR | Caring for Your Airway and Voice: A Vocologist’s Perspective | March 28, 2025 | 04:00PM – 06:00PM Eastern US/UTC-5

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Robyn Merkel-Walsh MA, CCC-SLP/COM®


Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are atypical, adaptive patterns that emerge in the absence of normalized patterns within the orofacial complex. The regular presence of these adaptive movements can often result in a variety of disturbances. As per the ASHA practice portal, most OMDs stem from blockages in the airway and a primary sign and symptom of an OMD is open mouth posture with mouth breathing.
Voice disorders can also stem from airway issues, where the power source, the lungs, may not be providing sufficient breath support to the source of voicing, the vocal folds. Congestion in the upper airway can also impact the voice due to the filters of resonance, which includes the oral and nasal cavities.
Though usually not discussed concurrently, Robyn’s unique training in orofacial myology and vocology provides her with a unique perspective in looking at the whole airway system and how any blockages or deficits can impact not only the four MYODomains™ of Airway, Feeding/Swallowing, Structure and Speech, but also vocal health, resonance and voice quality for both professional and non-professional voice users.
This webinar will empower attendees to not only take care of their own airway and voice, but assist their patients, students and clients in seeking treatment. Prevention and intervention will be discussed across the lifespan, and participants will learn the science between the interaction of the airway, voice, swallowing and speech systems. 

The participants will be able to:

  1. List 2 common airway issues that impact children.
  2. List 2 common airway issues that impact adults.
  3. Describe 2 healthy voice habits.
  4. Describe 2 healthy airway habits.
  • 5 minutes: Introduction
  • 15 minutes: What is an Airway Disorder? 
  • 15 minutes: The Cycle of Disfunction
  • 20 minutes: Noticing the Signs
  • 15 minutes: Airway Intervention
  • 15 minutes: Home Remedies
  • 15 minutes: Vocal Hygiene
  • 20 minutes: Conclusions/Q&A

NOTE: there may changes to handouts/resources prior to the start of the workshop -- be sure you have reviewed any versions you may have downloaded to make sure you have the latest version

Available for 2 weeks starting on the live broadcast date. Limit 1 use per customer.

Virtual streaming workshops and webinars are recorded during the time of broadcast;
the recorded presentation will be accessible to participants for 2 days after the virtual streaming broadcast date.

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Continuing 03 Dec 24