As I write this I am sitting with some ice on my left knee. Why the ice?
Well, it all started in October with a poorly planned turn of direction on my part which resulted in a twist of my left knee, followed by pain walking and finally a trip to the orthopedic physician for evaluation.
Now post injection, I know to ice it down after a busy day or when it hurts all by itself.
I love to exercise, always have. So now I appear to need the ice more than ever because exercise is one of the things I do to help myself during this really stressful time. It is my planned thing.
Covid-19 and its disease, Coronovirus has changed our worlds so they are almost unrecognizable.
I know that we are all home.
We are isolated.
We are at least 6 feet from anyone in all directions.
So, we really need that one thing in our day to help us, well, get through the day.
I can tell you with great certainty that the honeymoon period of being home has officially run out for Elizabeth. Elizabeth has been off since March 5th due to her college’s spring break. This led directly into the shut down of all universities in our state. So she has been off for 5 weeks.
Don’t get me wrong, she loves being home but it is usually after a productive day or on the weekend. Not ONLY at home.
Her stress showed itself last week in a pretty big meltdown. One we handled a bit together and then she had a telehealth visit with our beloved therapist Mary, who offered her thoughts to help Elizabeth.
Based on what we talked about, we started putting into her day “Something that makes you happy” and so far that has included baking, video workouts with her friend, extra time to watch TV, and phoning a friend to say hi. Due to her disorders, planning and implementing these things that others just do, takes work on her part and my part. But we are doing them because it is what she wants and needs to get through the days successfully.
We all need them. Hence the ice on my knee.
Reading is another vice of mine as is a nice cup of coffee with my husband, just to talk. Or listening to spiritual music.
It can really be the little things, the little perks that soften the anxiety and make you smile.
Knowing your child’s needs, how they work during stress and who you can turn to for help when you are uncertain are, in my opinion, simply the most critically needed things during this crisis. As parents and caregivers of these special children, we know the work that goes into their average day and that this crisis is even more challenging to them.
Something to help them with is finding that “Something that makes you happy” and helping them make it part of the schedule. Something they can pick and plan on.
We need it too! I offer to you to think about what you might need each day to help you. And how can you find it? Maybe a video chat with a friend, maybe alone time in silence or maybe a walk to simply think.
Ask yourself what you need. And plan for it each day.
We are all in this together! Be safe and stay home if you can.
Michele Gianetti author of
I Believe In You: A Mother and Daughter’s Special Journey
Emily’s Sister
Elizabeth Believes In Herself: The Special Journey Continues