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Reminiscing on Better Times

Prior to the worsening of this Coronavirus in February, we were able to take our pre-planned trip to Europe.  The children had a mid-winter break and we took advantage of it.  We were so ...


New Year with New Improvments

Happy New Year!  Since we moved from the East coast a few years ago and since my family is still living in the East Coast, we were able to celebrate an early New Year which was very nice! ...


Incorporating Therapy into Everyday Chores

“Cutie patootie, Cutie pie,” I say!  This all gets met with a, “I’m NOT a cutie patootie, I’m Anna!”  Oops! Sometimes I can’t help myself. She keeps me laughing a lot!  She ...


Halloween Festivities with Anna

Fall festivities! Prior to Halloween, we ended up going to the farm-picking out our pumpkin and painting them which Anna thoroughly enjoyed.  We also went to a pumpkin patch with her school...