TalkTools will be at the National Down Syndrome Congress Annual Convention in Dallas this weekend. We hope to see you there as well as some new faces!
Visit TalkTools at our booth to learn more about our tools, technique and training. We will be located at table 96, and we will have lots of giveaways during the event. TalkTools presenter & therapist Renee Roy Hill will be on-sight to answer your questions and meet your stars.
At our booth, you can register to win a TalkTools Parent Kit, which we’ll be giving to 3 lucky winners during the convention! We will also be giving away gift cards! Don’t miss out on the fun.
Also, be sure to see TalkTools presenter Renee Roy Hill’s presentation, “Using Oral Placement Therapy to Improve Speech and Feeding” on Friday, July 15 at 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.